Revision History

openmenux2history large

Rev.2.11 (2014.10.15)


  • Updated CodeSign to Version 2 that is compatible to Mac OS X 10.9.5 and later.

Rev.2.10 (2013.11.11)


  • Improved the compatibility to Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks).
  • Improved the context getting method so that OpenMenu can get the context for more applications.

Rev.2.09 (2012.7.17)


  • Added support for the Gate Keeper of Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion).
  • Improved the German localization.

Rev.2.08 (2012.3.29)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug on Lion that the hierarchical menus couldn't be opened by the arrow key.

Rev.2.07 (2011.12.21)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug on Lion that a text data of Safari selected area was not passed to OpenMenu X.
  • Fixed a bug that OpenMenu X Rev.2.06 did not work on the PowerPC Mac.

Rev.2.06 (2011.10.14)

Adjustments for Lion

  • Fixed a bug on Lion that the red arrow appeared on the folder item icons even when the option key was not pressed.
  • Fixed a bug on Lion that a text data of TextEdit selected area was not passed to OpenMenu X.
  • The context menu of OpenMenu X is no more supported on Lion or later.

Bugs Fixed

  • Improved the alias file resolving method for unmounted volumes.
  • Fix a bug that the menu item "OpenMenu X Settings" appeared on the context menu even when the option "Show OpenMenu Settings item" was set to OFF at the preferences.
  • Fix a bug that the context type setting in the menu builder did not work correctly on the localized versions other than English and Japanese.
  • Mended a spelling miss in an English dialog message.

Rev.2.05 (2010.4.13)


  • Enabled to invoke OpenMenu X popup menu from the contextual menu of Snow Leopard Finder and 64-bit applications.

Rev.2.04 (2010.3.24)


  • Added the support for copying files/folders. Selecting files/folders that you want to copy in Finder, open OpenMenu X and choose the destination folder with pressing the option + shift key. Then the files/folders will be copied to the destination.
  • Supported the Dvorak keyboard.
  • Enabled to browse the folder aliases in the OpenMenu X menu.
  • Improved the menu item visibility control when the length of the text context was zero.
  • Improved the spacer item visibility control.
  • Improved the file item sorting method so that the items that contain numbers are sorted smartly.
  • Added the button "Apply" on each preference pane.
  • Added the script "URL Encode/Decode the selection" at the script library.
  • Added the script "Base64 Encode/Decode the selection" at the script library.
  • Replaced the translation scripts. New scripts are using fast Google translation.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug of the short cut key execution when a conflict has occurred between OpenMenu X and the active application.

Rev.2.03 (2009.10.5)

Product version

  • The first product version of OpenMenu X Rev.2
  • Supported English and French Help manuals.

Rev.2.02β (2009.9.3)

β version

  • Supported Japanese Help manual.
  • Fixed a bug that the shortcut key (single tapping) for invoking OpenMenu X did not work.
  • Fixed a bug that the context menu did not popup in the outline view of Menu Setting pane.
  • Fixed a bug that the selected folder item sometimes did not work.

Rev.2.01β (2009.9.3)

β version

  • Fix a bug on Snow Leopard that the volume mount occurs automatically when displaying the recent items.

Rev.2.00β (2009.9.2)

β version

  • The first Rev.2. Compatible with Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard).

Rev.1.05 (2009.4.27)


  • Replaced the translation scripts. New scripts are using fast Google translation.
  • Improved the services selection menu in the Preferences to include the file operation services.
  • Updated the company URLs in the Preferences pane.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a memory leak when browsing the file system from the status menu.
  • Fixed a bug that opening multiple documents from an application item sometimes did not work correctly.
  • Fixed a services menu bug on Leopard that it did not work correctly when a selected item was a file object.

Rev.1.04 (2007.3.20)


  • Ready for Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard).
  • Tuned the long-press popup so that the contextual menu might not crop up when the mouse was dragged.
  • When opening the system preferences "OpenMenu X", the helper program "OpenMenu" will be re-launched automatically if the program has quitted for some reason.
  • When choosing a file item with command key pressed, the file will be revealed in Finder.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug of the translation sample scripts that they did not work when the text contains singe quotation marks.

Rev.1.03 (2006.12.11)


  • Localized to German.
  • Added an option "Open folders with Path Finder" in the Preferences "General."
  • Improved the behavior of the option "Enable 'Add to OpenMenu X'" so that its state synchronizes with the state of the option "Show 'OpenMenu X Settings' item."
  • Improved the behavior of the applescript command "path to me" so that it returns the full path name of the script file.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug of the services selection popup menu that its items sometimes were not displayed when a conflict had happened with other services related extensions.
  • Fixed a bug of the items "Running Applications" and "Recent Items" that their sub-items were not displayed when the option "Browse folder items" was set to OFF.
  • Fixed a bug of the item "OpenMenu X Settings" that it did not open the OpenMenu X Settings preferences pane when OpenMenu X had been installed in the system PreferencesPanes folder.

Rev.1.02 (2006.11.23)


  • Localized to Traditional Chinese.
  • Supported the menu item "Recent Items" which you can show/hide from the Preferences "General."
  • Improved the execution of AppleScript so that the AppleScript property values are saved after the execution.
  • Improved the alias file insertion to the menu so that they are inserted without resolving.
  • Improved the dynamic file browsing so that the alias files are not resolved automatically.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug of the services menu execution that the services menu items which write back the result to the host application did not work correctly.
  • Fixed a bug of Rev.1.01 that the contextual menu did not work on Mac OS X 10.3.9.
  • Fixed a bug of the menu item "Running Applications" that Finder occasionally stalled when the item was chosen.
  • Fixed a bug on Mac OS X 10.3.9 that the items of the Services popup menu were not displayed.

Rev.1.01 (2006.11.13)


  • Localized to French language.
  • Supported an option key switch to the menu item "OpenMenu X setting" so that the selected files/folders will be added to the OpenMenu X contextual menu when choosing the item "OpenMenu X setting" with pressing option key.
  • Supported an option key switch to the folder menu item so that the selected files/folders will be moved to the folder when choosing the folder item with pressing option key.
  • Supported an option key switch to the AppleScript menu item so that the source code will be shown with Script Editor when choosing the AppleScript item with pressing option key.
  • Supported an option key switch to the application menu item so that the application will be launched without openning the selected files when choosing the application item with pressing option key.
  • Supported an option key switch to each menu items of "Running Applications" so that the chosen application will be quitted with pressing option key.
  • Supported a new context type "empty" for the show/hide control of the menu items. When "empty" context type was assigned to a menu item, that menu item will be shown only when nothing was selected in the host application.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a status bar menu bug when choosing a menu item with a character key.
  • Fixed a bug of the services menu item execution that the context was not passed to menu item when the context type was RTFD.
  • Fixed a bug of the show/hide control of the status bar menu.
  • Fixed a bug of the action menu item "Insert Spacer" that it did not work on English mode.
  • Fixed a bug of the file system browsing that some invisible symbolic links were shown in the menu.

Rev.1.00 (2006.10.30)


  • Improved the method for the shortcut key assignment.
  • Added the sample scripts "Shut down", "Restart" and "Log out."

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a status bar menu bug that the services menu items did not work correctly for the selections of Finder or PathFinder.
  • Fixed a bug that duplicate OpenMenu Items were displayed in the context menu when Fruit Menu was installed.
  • Fixed a bug that Finder infrequently stalled when invoking a contextual menu.
  • Fixed a status bar menu bug that the package contents were always browsed whether its setting was ON or OFF.

Rev.0.97b (2006.10.12)


  • Supported Japanese and English Helps which are still in the proof.
  • Supported an option "Enable 'Add to OpenMenu X'" in the Preferences "General."

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug of the helper application OpenMenu that it sometimes stalled when the menu item "Running Applications" was chosen.
  • Fixed a bug that the windows of MS Word, Excel or other carbon applications were sometimes suddenly hided when OpenMenu X was installed in the system.
  • Fixed a memory leak of AXUIElementRef in the helper application OpenMenu

Rev.0.95b (2006.9.15)


  • Supported the process menu item in the context menu and the status menu. You can specify to show/hide the process menu at the Preferences "General."
  • Added new option switches for each application item that specifies whether the application opens the selected files, selected folder or none.
  • Improved the Login items registering method so that multiple OpenMenu Login items are not registered.
  • Improved the context menu separator display on Panther so that the duplicated separators are displayed as one separator.
  • Changed the location of OpenMenu from the "Resources" folder of OpenMenuX.plugin to the "Resources" folder of OpenMenuXPref.prefPane.
  • Moved the button "Uninstall OpenMenu X" from Preferences "General" to "License."

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a leak of NSAutoreleasePool operation.
  • Fixed a display problem of the context menu when none of menu items were registered in the list.
  • Fixed a bug of the Services Menu popup button that the program was stalled infrequently when the button was clicked.

Rev.0.94b (2006.9.11)


  • Supports the option "Use small size font for context menu items" in the Preferences General.
  • Supports the tooltip display in the menu setting outline view.
  • Supports the context menu popup in the menu setting outline view.
  • Improved the status menu/shortcut behavior not to sound unwanted beeps.
  • Improved the behavior of the option "OpenMenu X Enabled" so that all sub-options are automatically disabled when the option "OpenMenu X Enabled" was disabled.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an incompatibility with PathFinder that the title of OpenMenu X top item was shown as "OpenMenuX Anchor."
  • Fixed a context menu display bug when nothing was registered in the menu setting outline view.
  • Fixed a bug that the Finder sometimes stalled when the context menu was invoked with the file selection.

Rev.0.93b (2006.9.6)


  • Improved the response of the file browsing in the context menu.
  • Improved the compatibility to PathFinder so that the functions, such as "Move to Folder" and "Add to OpenMenu X", work.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug that AppleScript "open" command of the Finder was going to stop working after the execution of "OpenMenu X Setting" from the context menu.
  • Fixed a bug of the mouse button-long pressing that the Active Screen Corners function was going to stop working after the long-pressing operation.
  • Fixed a bug of the status menu AppleScript execution that it froze when key input.

Rev.0.92b (2006.9.4)


  • Supported the shortcut key customization for each menu item.
  • Supported the context menu invoking by long-pressing the left button of the mouse.
  • Supported the "Move to Folder" function which moves the selected files to the folder chosen in the context menu.
  • Supported the "Add to OpenMenu X" function which appends the selected files to the end of OpenMenu.
  • Improved the status menu behavior so that it is aware of the context information and acts as same as the context menu.
  • Supported the Service menu execution even in the Carbon applications.

Rev.0.91b (2006.8.15)


  • OpenMenu X program will be set as a login item of the Account Preferences so that it is launched automatically at the start up.
  • Added the option "Show OpenMenu X on the Status Menu bar" at the General Preferences.
  • Speeded up the icon display in the context menu.
  • Improved the services popup menu in the preference pane so that you don't need to open the existing service menu once at first.
  • Improved the trial/beta test/expired notice messages not to show them when the preferences pane is going to be opened.
  • Improved the context type assign dialog.
  • Improved the behavior of the show/hide control when the 'text' context type was assigned.
  • Improved the behavior to auto-logout when the logout button was pressed at the end of the installation.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug of the sample script "Copy Path Name as Mac format.scpt."
  • Fixed a bug on OS X 10.3.9 that OpenMenu X Preferences Pane was not opened when the context menu item "OpenMenu X Setting" was selected.

Rev.0.90b (2006.8.2)

  • The first beta version.

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